Senior Term Life Insurance
Help Fill The Holes In Your Family Safety Net
Your life insurance needs don't disappear just because you get older.

Senior Term Life Insurance
The Senior Term Life Plan was setup to help reinforce your family's financial cushion--at a time when too many plans are starting to cut back on benefits or eliminating coverage all together.
An Easy Way To Add Extra Life Coverage
You can now quickly and conveniently boost your or your spouse’s life coverage by up to $20,000* with the Senior Term Life Insurance Plan.
This member benefit program is an ideal opportunity
- To supplement any existing insurance you may have…
- To reinforce a safety net that’s diminished in value because of inflation as you got older…
- To add important extra coverage to help pay towards a mortgage, medical bills, final expenses, or any other expenses.
In a nutshell, the AMTA Senior Term Life Plan is an easy way to help fill a potential money gap for your loved ones– with life insurance benefits sent straight to your loved ones just when they need it most.
You Cannot Be Turned Down
Plus, as an AMTA member between the ages of 50 and 74, you and your spouse are GUARANTEED ACCEPTANCE in this important plan. No medical exam is required. No health questions will be asked.
*Members are not eligible to elect $20,000 if they are 65 years of age or older. Members age 65 may only elect up to $10,000 in coverage. At age 80 and above, the benefit amount is reduced to $5,000.
Guaranteed Acceptance–With NO Health Questions Asked
If you’re like many AMTA members, you may already have some life insurance. But if you haven’t updated it lately, inflation and added responsibilities may mean your family’s financial safety net just isn’t enough.
That’s where the AMTA Senior Term Life Plan can help. Senior Term Life gives you an easy option to add $5,000 … $10,000 … or $20,000* in term life benefits to any coverage you may already have (up to $20,000*).
Here’s how the Senior Term Life Plan works: If you fall victim to a fatal covered accident during the first two years of coverage, your loved ones receive the benefit level you set up for them.
If your death is caused by something other than a covered accident during your first two years of coverage, your loved ones will collect 125% of the annual premium for the first year and 250% of the annual premium for the second year.
Then after two years, your loved ones receive the full benefit you originally selected.
Coverage provides a limited benefit within the first two policy years.
The AMTA set up the Senior Term Life Plan as an extra safety net for members over the age of 50. Sign up now.
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$5,000 | $10,000 | $20,000 | ||||||||
Age | Male | Female | Male | Female | Male | Female | ||||
50-54 | $4.65 | $3.80 | $9.30 | $7.60 | $18.60 | $15.20 | ||||
55-59 | $7.95 | $6.20 | $15.90 | $12.40 | $31.80 | $24.80 | ||||
60-64 | $13.15 | $9.20 | $26.30 | $18.40 | $52.60 | $36.80 | ||||
65-69 | $21.45 | $15.20 | $42.90 | $30.40 | $85.80 | $60.80 | ||||
70-74 | $33.20 | $23.35 | $66.40 | $46.70 | $132.80 | $93.40 | ||||
75-79* | $58.20 | $39.40 | $116.40 | $78.80 | $232.80 | $157.60 | ||||
80-84* | $97.10 | $63.85 | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | ||||
85-89* | $186.05 | $126.75 | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | ||||
IMPORTANT: Spouse benefit will be equal to member’s benefit amount. |
Monthly Senior Term Life Male Rates | |||||
Age | $5,000 | $10,000 | $20,000 | ||
50-54 | $4.65 | $9.30 | $18.60 | ||
55-59 | $7.95 | $15.90 | $31.80 | ||
60-64 | $13.15 | $26.30 | $52.60 | ||
65-69 | $21.45 | $42.90 | $85.80 | ||
70-74 | $33.20 | $66.40 | $132.80 | ||
75-79* | $58.20 | $116.40 | $232.80 | ||
80-84* | $97.10 | N/A | N/A | ||
85-89* | $186.05 | N/A | N/A | ||
IMPORTANT: Spouse benefit amount cannot be greater than member’s. |
Monthly Senior Term Life Female Rates | |||||
Age | $5,000 | $10,000 | $20,000 | ||
50-54 | $3.80 | $7.60 | $15.20 | ||
55-59 | $6.20 | $12.40 | $24.80 | ||
60-64 | $9.20 | $18.40 | $36.80 | ||
65-69 | $15.20 | $30.40 | $60.80 | ||
70-74 | $23.35 | $46.70 | $93.40 | ||
75-79* | $39.40 | $78.80 | $157.60 | ||
80-84* | $63.85 | N/A | N/A | ||
85-89* | $186.05 | N/A | N/A | ||
IMPORTANT: Spouse benefit amount cannot be greater than member’s. |
You will be billed for premiums monthly. Rates will include a $3.50 administrative fee if paying by direct bill, a $3.00 administrative fee if paying by credit card, or a $1.25 administrative fee if paying by automatic checking withdrawal. Rates increase when you enter a higher age category as shown above. Rates and/or benefits may be changed on a Group basis.
*Renewal rates only. At age 80 and above, benefit amount is reduced to $5,000.
Why did the AMTA set up this program?
As you know as you grow older, you may need a little additional life insurance coverage. That’s why the AMTA put together this plan for its members. It all adds up to a reliable safety net to help you add to your family’s financial protection or simply to combat the bite inflation has taken out of life insurance set up years ago.
I’ve had some health problems. Can I be turned down for Senior Term Life?
No. As long as you’re an AMTA member between the ages of 50 and 74, your acceptance is guaranteed. No medical exam is required. No health questions will be asked.
I’m on a tight budget. What are the rates like for my age?
You have two special advantages with the Senior Term Life Plan:
- You get GROUP coverage. That means the rates could be lower than coverage you might set up on your own or through the Internet.
- The program was setup specifically for older Members.
Choice of Beneficiary
The benefits payable at your death will be paid according to the beneficiary you designate on your Enrollment Form unless you change your beneficiary in writing at a later date. If no beneficiary designation has been made, the benefits payable at your death will be paid to the survivors, in equal shares, in the first of the following classes to have a survivor at your death: your spouse, your children, your parents and siblings. If there is no survivor in these classes, payment will be made to your estate. The member is automatically the beneficiary for spouse coverage.
Accidental Death Exclusions
Benefits will not be paid for any Injury or Loss which, directly or indirectly, in whole or in part, is caused by or results from any of the following: intentionally self-inflicted injury, suicide or any attempt threat while sane or insane; declared or undeclared war or act of war; military or combat activities while serving in the armed forces, National Guard, or organized reserve corps in any state, country, or international authority; sickness, disease, bodily or mental infirmity or medical or surgical treatment thereof, or bacterial or viral infection, regardless of how contracted. This does not include bacterial infection that is the natural and foreseeable result of an accidental external bodily injury or accidental food poisoning; flight in, boarding or alighting from an Aircraft or any craft designed to fly above the Earth’s surface: a. except as a fare paying passenger on a regularly scheduled commercial airline; b. being flown by the Covered Person or in which the Covered Person is a member of the crew c. being used for: i. crop dusting, spraying or seeding, giving and receiving flying instruction, firefighting, sky writing, sky diving or hang-gliding, pipeline or power line inspection, aerial photography or exploration, racing, endurance tests, stunt or acrobatic flying; or ii. any operation that requires a special permit from the FAA, even if it is granted (this does not apply if the permit is required only because of the territory flown over or landed on); d. designed for flight above or beyond the earth’s atmosphere; e. an ultra-light or glider; f. being used for the purpose of parachuting or skydiving; g. being used by any military authority, except an Aircraft used by the Air Mobility Command or its foreign equivalent; the Covered Person’s intoxication as determined according to the laws of the jurisdiction in which the accident occurred; voluntary ingestion of any narcotic, drug, poison, gas or fumes; driving while intoxicated or driving under the influence of a controlled substance; riding or driving as a professional in any kind of race for prize money or profit.
Life Exclusions
No benefit is payable in the event of suicide that occurs within the first two years after the insured’s effective date of coverage (one year in Minnesota North Dakota and Colorado). In the event of a suicide, a refund of premiums will be paid.
These materials provide a brief description of the benefits available. Complete details may be found in the Group Policy 9900/9901/9902, under policy form series 17-50985 or the state variation thereof. Some provisions, benefits, exclusions or limitations may vary depending on your state of residence. In the event of any discrepancy between this document and the policy/certificate, the terms of the policy/certificate apply. Complete coverage information is in the Certificate issued to each insured individual.
Limited Benefit
This is a limited benefit policy. Benefits payable within the first two years are limited to deaths from a covered accident.
A.G.I.A., Inc.
A.G.I.A., Inc.
P.O. Box 26860, Phoenix, AZ 85068
Securian Life Insurance Company
St. Paul, MN 55101
AGIA Affinity is a brand owned by A.G.I.A., Inc., Third Part Administrator and Agency license #0549207, California Corporation.
Master policy 9900/9901/9902, under policy series 17-50985 or state variation thereof.
Questions? Call toll-free 1-866-803-6773
No Risk
Submitting your Enrollment Form places you under NO obligation today.
As soon as your coverage is active, we’ll mail your Certificate of Insurance/Policy outlining the full terms and conditions of this AMTA program. Take up to 30 days to look it over. If it wasn’t what you had in mind, just mail back the Certificate to cancel coverage. You won’t owe a single penny. You will receive a full refund of any premium paid.
Everything you need to request coverage in the AMTA Senior Term Life Plan is included on this website. Simply submit the Enrollment Form online to get things started.
Your Senior Term Life coverage starts on the first of the month after your coverage has been activated and first premium payment is received by the plan administrator. Plus, once your coverage is activated, you can rest assured your protection can stay in force until you reach age 90. Your coverage cannot be cancelled due to any changes in your health. Your Senior Term Life coverage will continue as long as premiums are paid when due, you remain an AMTA member and the group policy remains in force.