Cancer Care Insurance Plan
By your side when you need Cancer Care most.
When you face the high cost of cancer, you can count on the AMTA Cancer Care Insurance Plan to help you focus on your care.

Cancer Care Insurance Plan
Let the AMTA Cancer Care Insurance Plan help protect your hard-earned money from the unexpected cost of cancer.
If you find yourself battling cancer, you may want help to cover the high cost of treatment and recovery. That’s where this coverage comes in. The AMTA Cancer Care Insurance Plan, helps pay towards the cost of cancer – which may run into the thousands of dollars. Your current health insurance may not be enough to cover all of these costs.
That’s why this coverage offers benefits – up to a lifetime maximum of $300,000.00* – to AMTA members who have been diagnosed with cancer. These benefits are paid directly to you or anyone you choose – not to doctors, hospitals or anyone else. Benefits from this plan could be used to pay for:
- Hospital bills
- Chemotherapy
- Operations
- Doctor visits
- Nursing care
- Prescription drugs
- Mortgage
- Car payment
- And more…
Even if cancer runs in your family or if you suffer from other serious medical problems – you are guaranteed acceptance into this plan as long as you have not been diagnosed with cancer (except skin cancer) in the last 5 years (3 years in LA and MT, 2 years in IL, TN, and VT, 12 months in CT, IN, MD, MO, MS, NC, ND, SC, TX, and VA, 6 months in ID, ME, NH, NV, SD, UT and WY), and remain an AMTA member in good standing.
This coverage provides benefits to help you pay for your fight against cancer. Apply for the AMTA Cancer Care Insurance Plan today.
*Individual benefits are subject to lifetime maximums that vary per benefit.
Fighting cancer can be expensive. And we understand that if one day you were diagnosed with cancer, you’d want the best care money can buy. With the AMTA Cancer Care Insurance Plan, you will receive benefits to help you cover the costs of treatment and recovery from cancer.
These benefits are paid regardless of your current medical insurance, and you are guaranteed acceptance as an AMTA member in good standing who has not had cancer (except skin cancer) in the last 5 years (3 years in LA & MT, 2 years in IL, TN and VT, 12 months in CT, IN, MD, MO, MS, NC, ND, SC, TX, and VA, 6 months in ID, ME, NH, NV, SD, UT and WY). When you’re fighting for your life, the AMTA Cancer Care Insurance Plan will be there in your corner.
If you receive a cancer diagnosis after you’ve been enrolled for 30 days, we’ll pay the following benefits:
Hospital Room & Board: $60.00 per day for the first 10 days of each period of a covered hospital confinement. $120.00 per day thereafter, up to 90 days.
Extended Hospital Expenses: Then, after you’ve been in the hospital for 90 days, the plan pays $240 a day up to day 730.
Outpatient Drugs & Medicine: AMTA Members are paid $10.00 for any prescription refill, up to a $100.00 annual max and $1,000.00 lifetime max.
Attending Physician: $25.00 per day for doctors’ visits (other than your surgeon) while hospitalized regardless of the number of physicians, up to the maximum of $1,000.00 per illness period.
Nursing Service: $25.00 per day for private care by a Registered Graduate Nurse or Licensed Practical Nurse while hospitalized. Maximum of $2,250.00 in benefits per illness period.
Ambulance: $100.00 benefit; with an illness period maximum of $1,000.
Radiation & Chemotherapy: $100.00 daily benefit (including x-ray, radium, and cobalt therapies) with a lifetime maximum of $2,000.
Blood & Plasma: AMTA Members are paid $100.00 daily benefit; with a maximum of $500.00 for every illness period with a $1,000 lifetime maximum.
Monthly Rates for AMTA Members & Spouses:
Member’s Age | Member Only | Member & Spouse |
Under 50 | $3.16 | $5.05 |
50-64 | $5.38 | $8.62 |
65 & Over* | $9.21 | $14.72 |
Your Payment Options
You will be billed for premiums monthly. Rates will include a $3.50 administrative fee if paying by direct bill, a $3.00 administrative fee if paying by credit card, or a $1.25 administrative fee if paying by automatic checking withdrawal. Rates increase when you enter a higher age category as shown above. Rates and/or benefits may be changed on a Group basis.
Your Cancer Care coverage starts the first day of the month after your enrollment form and first premium payment are received. You cannot be singled out for cancellation, a benefit decrease, or an increase in your premiums due to a change in your health or occupation. Your benefits will continue in full force as long as you pay your premiums on time, remain an AMTA member in good standing, and the Master Policy No. 9200/9201/9202, under policy series 17-50995, remains in force. Residents of AK, CO, MT and NV will be issued individual policy form series 17-51062.
*Not available for those age 65 and over in California.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why is it so important to sign up for Cancer Care now?
Because acceptance is guaranteed as long as you haven’t had cancer (except skin cancer) in the last 5 years (3 years in LA and MT, 2 years in IL, TN, and VT, 12 months in CT, IN, MD, MO, MS, NC, ND, SC, TX, and VA, 6 months in ID, ME, NH, NV, SD, UT and WY). So if you’ve been free of cancer up to now, you cannot assume you’ll avoid this danger forever. As cancer incidents become more likely with increasing age*, the AMTA urges you to take action now.
How does this work with my current medical coverage?
A battle with cancer is expensive. That’s why the AMTA Cancer Care Insurance Plan kicks in benefits – paid REGARDLESS OF any other insurance you may have – to help you fight cancer. You collect cash benefits to help with unexpected costs such as hospital stays, operations, doctors, drugs and more.
What if I decide Cancer Care isn’t right for me?
There’s no obligation with the program’s 30 Day Free-Look. As soon as you sign up, we’ll send you a certificate or policy of insurance. Look it over for a full 30 days. If you’re not completely satisfied, just let us know. We’ll cancel your coverage and give you a complete 100% refund of any premium you’ve paid as long as you haven’t made any claims during that time.
*American Cancer Society. Cancer Facts & Figures 2022.
Please Read Regarding Your Cancer Coverage
Benefits will not be paid under this Policy or any attached Rider for any loss caused by, resulting from or contributed by: Injury or Sickness other than Cancer; treatment or services performed outside of the United States.
No benefits will be payable for the Covered Person’s Pre-Existing Conditions. A Pre-Existing Condition is defined as any condition (except Skin Cancer) that was Positively Diagnosed or for which medical treatment, consultation, advice, care or services was sought within 5 Years (3 years in LA and MT, 2 years in IL, TN, and VT, 12 months in CT, IN, MD, MO, MS, NC, ND, SC, TX, and VA, 6 months in ID, ME, NH, NV, SD, UT and WY) prior to the Covered Person’s Effective Date of Coverage.
For residents of ID and ME: A Confinement resulting from a Pre-Existing Condition will not be covered for the first 12 consecutive months (ID) or 6 months (ME) following a Covered Person’s Effective Date of Coverage.
For residents of MD, ND, SC and UT: A Confinement resulting from a Pre-Existing Condition will not be covered until the earlier of:
(1) 12 consecutive months have elapsed during which no medical treatment or advice is given by a Physician for such condition; or
(2) the Covered Person has been insured under the Policy for 12 consecutive months (MD, SC) or 24 consecutive months (ND, UT), whichever occurs first.
The Company has a right to rescind or void a Covered Person’s insurance coverage if the Company finds that the Covered Person had a Pre-existing Condition. Any premiums paid for that Covered Person will be refunded.
This information is a brief description of important features of the plan. It is not a contract. Terms and conditions of coverage are set forth in Group Policy Number 9200/9201/9202, under policy series 17-50995. Residents of AK, CO, MT and NV will be issued individual policy form series 17-51062. Additional information is contained in the Certificate of Insurance which is issued to all persons who become insured under the plan. As determined by state insurance regulations, this plan or some benefits of this plan may not be available in all states. Availability of this offer may change.
Benefit Waiting Period:
Benefits are not payable for Cancer diagnosed and treated within the first 30 days the Covered Person has been insured. However, benefits for treatment or services related to such Cancer are payable after coverage has been in force for 12 consecutive months from the Effective Date.
Offered by:
A.G.I.A., Inc.
Underwritten by:
Securian Life Insurance Company,
St. Paul, MN 55101
Administered by:
A.G.I.A., Inc.
P.O. Box 26860, Phoenix, AZ 85068-6860
Questions? Call toll-free 1-866-803-6773
This is not a Medicare Supplement Insurance Policy
This insurance pays a fixed amount, regardless of your expenses, if you meet the policy conditions, for one of the specific diseases or health conditions named in the policy. It does not pay your Medicare deductibles or coinsurance and is not a substitute for a Medicare Supplement insurance policy.
This insurance duplicates Medicare benefits because Medicare generally pays for most of the expenses for the diagnosis and treatment of the specific condition or diagnoses named in the policy.
Medicare pays extensive benefits for medically necessary services regardless of the reason you need them. These include:
- Hospitalization
- Physician services
- Hospice
- Outpatient prescription drugs if you are enrolled in Medicare Part D
- Other approved items and services
Before You Buy This Insurance
- Check the coverage in all health insurance policies you already have.
- For more information about Medicare and Medicare Supplement insurance, review the Guide to Health Insurance for People with Medicare, available from the insurance company.
- For help in understanding your insurance, contact your state insurance department or state health insurance assistance program (SHIP).